Veer Talks

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Story of Your Struggle, Is

Inspiration for Others

‘Veer Talks’ platform is a part of ‘Veer Gaurav Project’ initiated by ‘Dull Book Foundation’. This platform is created to inspire and appreciate the great work of Veers of our society. These individuals are those who make an impact on society through their hard works, skills and their achievements in life. Through this platform we will share the untold stories of men (Veer Purush) and women (Veer Naari) in front of people.

Goals of Veer Talks

Veer Talks

Publishes inspiring and motivating stories of Veers of the society through its multiple channels.

Veer Skills

Provides skill training on high-demand courses like Fire & Safety, Cyber Security, Hacking etc.


Provides financial support to underprivileged & needy students through Veer Talks Scholarship.

Branding Option

Helps creating brand image through welcoming businesses as a partner to reach millions of people.

A Step to Salute

The VEERs of Our Society

Not everyone born with a silver spoon in mouth; neither all get those opportunities in life to step into the ladder of success easily. There are hundreds, if not thousands who had to struggle hard with utmost dedication to achieve success! Veer Talks is a way to provide recognition to their effort and hard work, and to share their story between our thousands of followers, so that others also get inspired with their story.

We Understand That,

Staying Motivated Is Difficult

‘Veer Talks’ platform is a part of ‘Veer Gaurav Project’ initiated by ‘Dull Book Foundation’. This platform is created to inspire and appreciate the great work of Veers of our society. These individuals are those who make an impact on society through their hard works, skills and their achievements in life.

Through this platform we will share the untold stories of men (Veer Purush) and women (Veer Naari) in front of people. These persons are the real veers who are making an impact on the society through their hard works, skills and struggle and setting examples with their achievements in life to inspire others.

The aim of ‘Veer Talks’ platform is to cover the true stories of Veers and share them in our social media to inspire millions of people in their life’s journey.

‘Veer Talks’ platform will not only bring the stories of Veers to people but will also stand by them. In their journey of struggle, we offer support to them by providing financial support such as, self-employment opportunities etc.

You can also join us in this great work by providing us information about such Veers who are doing great for our society. You provide us their details and we will connect with them to bring their inspiring struggling stories in front of people through our platform.

Thank you for being with us!

Videos of Veers
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Recording Team
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Application in Queue
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Share Your Untold Story As A Veer Talks Speaker

Be the speaker of your own untold story of life’s struggle on the platform of ‘Veer Talks’ and reach to the hearts of millions of people!
We are always in search of inspiring and motivating stories of Veers (‘Veer Purush’ and ‘Veer Naari) of our society to which people can connect themselves and get inspiration. Please note that we may miss responding to everyone due to the volume of application but we will contact you if your story gets shortlisted. Please fill up below form with correct details.

About DullBook Foundation

DullBook Foundation is a NGO in India working to improve education, health & employment. Read more…

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